With friends like Yassmin’s, she doesn’t need enemies

ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied is under attack for using Anzac Day to imply Australians were mean to Muslims.

She’s apologised, but her defenders – including shrieking Clementine Ford and former ABC host Richard Ackland – aren’t helping by sneering at Anzac Day themselves. Nor is halal king Mohamed Elmouelhy by going on to attack the Jews.

From the foul mouth of Elmouelhy who contends that Anzac Day is also the day we should remember the alleged sins of the Jews:

While I am not enamoured of the President of Syria, he is not the only killer around. Syria is the latest country that other interests converge in, America, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Hizbullah, Turkey, IS, the Peshmerga, the PKK, etc, on one hand it is to protect Israel and on the other it is for Iran to further its messianic type influence and Russia not to be left out of the Middle East pie…

Take Palestine, again the people there, both Muslim and Christian have lived in peace sine the Crusaders were defeated til the European Jews decided to plant themselves there in the late 40’s of the last century with the pretence that the Grand Realtor in the sky gave it to their ancestors thousands of years ago and that it is theirs forever and a day, they dispossessed the native inhabitants, torture them, imprison them and there children, treat them like animals who have no soul. It is where apartheid is practised with impunity.

Read the article on Andrew Bolt’s blog.