still from the ad

BBR Saatchi & Saatchi & the Israeli President change the face of Israel’s advertising

How do you make a point that has needed to be grasped by its audience for decades – but hasn’t been?

Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi & Saatchi has used the most authoritative voice in Israel and the most honest voices. In its PSA, Kids Never Lie – The advertising convention, Israeli president, Reuven Rivlin, and six Israeli children put the Israeli advertising industry’s typecasting practices to shame.

The mechanics of the ad are simple. Rivlin asks a group of children to guess which of a board of faces they think are a writer & poet, a lawyer, a university teacher and a minister in the Israeli Government. Invariably, the children choose white Caucasian faces. 

But Israel, like Australia, the US and the UK, BBR S&S notes, “is a melting pot. A country of immigrants who came from many different countries and cultures. A country where East meets West. A country where Ashkenazi Jews (from western countries), Sephardic Jews (from Arab countries), Ethiopian Jews, Arabs and Christian coexist but do not always do so on an equal standing. And while Israel is a country loaded with baggage on discrimination (having experienced it firsthand), 
we are ashamed to say we are a country in which bias and prejudice still exists.”

Read the full article at The Stable.

Watch the ad: