
Danby’s Israel trip disclosures are just dandy … almost

The Michael Danby disclosure story continues, one comically late update after another.

Yesterday, Labor’s member for Melbourne Ports fleshed out the details of his trip to Israel last year while on sick leave from federal parliament, finally revealing part of his trip had been funded by the Jerusalem-based, Gerald M. Steinberg-founded NGO Monitor, which analyses and reports on the output of the international NGO community from a pro-Israel perspective.

But still nothing on the convalesced Danby’s mysterious corporate vehicle, Roosevelt Nominees, formerly known as Daroda Investments, which was created 20 years ago, before Danby entered parliament in 1998. Almost two decades on and it’s yet to rate a mention on the register of member’s interests.


Read the full article in ‘The Margin Call‘ column by Will Glasgow and Christine Lacey at The Australian.