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The Pro-Israel Agenda Of The Online Hate Prevention Institute

A new organisation targetting online bigotry might have other more political goals in mind, argues Michael Brull.

The Israeli government, and its loyal advocates around the world, have tried for decades to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. If they can delegitimise criticism of Israel and Zionism, then they can prevent scrutiny of Israel’s actions, and forestall attempts to change Western support for Israel.

In Australia, many of the leading Jewish organisations – such as ECAJ and the Anti-Defamation Commission – are more or less open about their determination to treat anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism.

Their attempts to do so are mostly ignored in progressive discussions of the issue of racism. Their claims are not ridiculed or attacked: they are just met with a stony silence.

Read the full article by Michael Brull on newmatilda.com