11/4/20: News Ltd issues apology to former Labor MP Melissa Parke

Following accusations of anti-Semitism, an apology has been published by the mainstream media to human rights advocate Melissa Parke, writes Peter Wicks.

ON 26 MARCH this year, something unusual happened.

News Ltd was forced to take a big bite of humble pie and print an apology to former Labor MP Melissa Parke in The Herald Sun. This apology came after articles were printed that could have given the impression that Ms Parke was an anti-Semite after she was critical of Israel’s human rights record.

To add icing to the cake, as well as the apology, they ran an editorial piece by Ms Parke titled ‘Criticism not same as racism’.

This simple fact may seem obvious to you and me, but to many readers of News Ltd, it is not so obvious. It also appears that it’s not that obvious to many members of the Coalition and some members of the Labor Party.

Then again, maybe those involved in this saga don’t really believe this matter is anything to do with bigotry. Maybe there is something far more sinister going on.

Melissa Parke served as the Labor Member for Fremantle from 2007 through to 2016. In her nine-year parliamentary career, she achieved vastly more than some managed to achieve in over 20 years. Parke became the Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health, Homelessness and Social Housing in 2013.

Read the article by Peter Wicks in Independent Australia.

[Editor: Independent Australia is a venomous anti-Israel site that will block anybody making comments who happens to disagree with their anti-Israel stance. They are only interested in pushing their own deplorable views.]