Jeremy Corbyn condemns Israeli crimes: ‘The silence of international powers must end’

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time supporter of Palestinian rights, posted a statement on Facebook that was to be read out April 7 demonstrations across Britain against Israel’s latest killings of Palestinians in Gaza. By April 8, the death toll of Palestinians shot dead by Israeli forces while protesting in Gaza since March 30  had risen to 22.

Morning Star Online said: “Activists took to the streets in their thousands across Britain at the weekend to protest against the killing of innocent Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli troops. Saturday’s demo saw protesters in Sheffield and Manchester occupy branches of HSBC bank, which is involved in funding arms sales to Israel.

“Protesters in Downing Street called on the government to take a stand against Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians, who were demanding the right to return to their homes.”

Read the article in the Green Left Weekly .

[Can there be any discussion about the risk to British Jewry if Corbyn got into power? Refer to Jews will flee Britain if Corbyn becomes prime minister, rabbi says]
