Good call on Palestinian aid

Julie Bishop’s announcement that Australia is ending direct aid to the Palestinian Authority sends a powerful message about the organisation’s leadership in Ramallah. The Foreign Minister’s concern to ensure taxpayers’ aid money is not used “to assist Palestinians convicted of politically motivated violence” is well founded. It was targeted at shameful “reward payments” made by the authority to so-called “martyrs” — terrorists responsible for murdering Israelis.

Ms Bishop’s action, affecting $10 million, brings Australia into line with similar steps by the Trump administration. Israel’s parliament, too, has passed legislation cutting millions of dollars from taxes collected by Israel on behalf of the authority that normally would be passed on to Ramallah. As a result, the cash-strapped PA faces an even graver budget crunch. Palestinian leaders should learn the lesson that there is a price to pay for the blatant support of terrorism.

Read the editorial in The Australian.