Age Crossword: How Israel became the wrong answer

The war against Israel’s very existence is waged even in the crosswords of The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. Clue to Monday’s crossword, down 5?: “The Holy Land.”

But, wait. Israel doesn’t have nine letters, does it?

An investigation has been launched, they say:

SMH editor Lisa Davies told The AJN, “The crosswords are provided by an external contractor (they’re not done in-house) so I wasn’t aware of this. We are making inquiries about this immediately.”

The papers also put out a statement in which they said they “apologise for any offence caused”.

These remarks come from Andrew Bolt’s blog.

[Editor: Of course a pro-Palestinian activist like Randa Abdel-Fattah had to spew out a contemptuous remark:

Somebody should ask her whether it would bother her if the answer to the crossword clue ‘How does one refer to the non-Jewish residents of the West Bank?’ was Arabs and not Palestinians.

What’s more this information has been posted on the Zionist Federation of Australia’s website and has led to a hateful flock of trolls commenting.