Tanya looking wistfully out a window

Southern Poverty Law Centre sues neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer

Atlanta: Once again, the Southern Poverty Law Centre is taking aim at neo-Nazis – this time in a rare lawsuit accusing an online publisher of urging anonymous internet trolls to unleash a torrent of anti-Semitic slurs and harassment against a Jewish real estate agent in Montana.

The centre filed a federal lawsuit on Tuesday in a case involving white nationalist Richard Spencer and his family, alleging that Andrew Anglin, founder and publisher of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, let loose an online “terror campaign” against the woman and her family.

The suit alleges that Anglin published a string of articles urging his “horde” of anonymous followers to inflict a “troll storm” on Tanya Gersh and her family, invading her privacy, intentionally inflicting emotional distress and violating the Montana Anti-Intimidation Act.

Read the full article by Jenny Jarvie and Jaweed Kaleem at The Sydney Morning Herald.