Drumming the beat… with bad humour and that virus

For his colleague Treasurer Josh Frydenberg though, this focus on the economy may well have been an excuse for a bizarre rant in Parliament that disrespected the Hindu religion. In what will be one of his political low points, the normally astute politician for several minutes made fun of Hinduism and some of its practices as he ridiculed a Labor call for a New Zealand-style “wellbeing budget”.

Many in the Indian Australian community were outraged at this brazen and racist display from the Treasurer, who is himself of Jewish background and vocal in his concerns of the rise of anti-Semitism in Australia. Humour is great to put a point across, but mocking a religion to convey a political message in this manner can only be interpreted as ill-conceived.

To Frydenberg’s parliamentary colleagues from Labor – Michelle Rowland in particular – and community groups who called him out strongly on this unacceptable display, good on you.

The Treasurer has since apologised, and while it is time to move on, it was a low point of the week for our community.

Read the article by Pawan Luthra on the Indian Link.