Palestinians’ Erekat on heart-lung machine

The Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem said the 65-year-old was connected to an ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machine to support his lung function.

The machine oxygenates the blood, allowing the lungs to rest and avoid ventilator-associated lung injury, bearing in mind that Erekat had a lung transplant in 2017.

The hospital said Erekat was “well-settled and stable.”

“His care continues to be co-ordinated with lung transplant specialists in Israel and abroad to provide optimum care to this patient with complications of Covid-19 infection on the background of a previous lung transplant,” the statement added.

Doctors said Erekat’s treatment posed “an enormous challenge” as a lung-transplant patient with a suppressed immune system, which had caused a bacterial infection in addition to the virus.illcoronillcoron

Read the article in The Canberra Times (AAP).