Harry Styles’ fans react to the accidental Nazi symbolism on his merch

Harry Styles’ new ‘Harry’s House’ merch was accidentally emblazoned with Nazi symbolism and now his fans are attacking Jewish people.

Harry Styles’ merch team for ‘Harry’s House’ put a Nazi symbol that was used to signal “Heil Hitler” in Nazi Germany. When notified of the symbol’s meaning, Style’s team removed the symbol.

Now, Harry Style’s fans are taking to Twitter to call Jewish people who called for the symbol’s removal “chronically online” and “snowflakes.”

This immediately started a Twitter back-and-forth between the two sides. Many were saying that while they understood that the “HH” on Harry’s hats was intended to stand for “Harry’s House,” it should still be removed as it serves as a dog whistle for a much more insidious meaning.

“so Harry Styles merch team accidentally released merch that looks like Nazi Propoganda (The HH was used in a similar style by the Nazis to say “Heil Hitler” on their uniforms ect) and so on finding out, tbe merch team changed it. NBD

EXCEPT now the obsessed harry stans are calling Jewish folk “chronically online/snowflakes” for pointing it out and saying that we should just deal with it bc “why should harry have to change his merch”

I’ve had enough”

Read the article by Ross Cutsforth on ToneDeaf.
