NSN Leader Tom Sewell

How the media helps neo-Nazi child ‘groomers’

A vanishingly small group of neo-Nazis protested a family-friendly event in Moonee Ponds last weekend.

A drag performer who was there on the day uses a Hebrew performance name, thus attracting the fixation of homophobic antisemites. The banners contained messages about grooming and paedophilia. The police allowed them to do this in full view of the families in attendance.

It wasn’t a protest, in any event. It was a stunt to parasitise the popular trend among the right of theatrical moralising about family-friendly LGBT+ events and a made-up danger to children. Because the National Socialist Network (NSN) knew this kind of hate is gathering steam with a larger right-wing audience, they wanted to capitalise on it by way of the Australian media.

Theatrical moralising, because we know they don’t really think kids are in danger. The theatre is in the spluttering, going red in the face and pretending they feel a righteous moral outrage about drag queen storytime. With that, they pop a new lick of paint on ye olde homophobia and transphobia. Nowhere is that more apparent than with neo-Nazis, who obviously, historically and by their own words just want all queer people dead.

And I know they don’t care about the grooming of children, because they do it too. Instead of “grooming” a child to enjoy watching performers in heavy make-up, however, the NSN groom kids to plan for race war, be unemployable for life, go to prison and/or be on an ASIO watchlist.

Read the article by Tom Tanuki in Independent Australia.