
Labor and the Jews

You gotta hand it to them. Unlike the Coalition, the leaders of the Labor party have no problem whatsoever prosecuting the ‘culture wars’ whenever they possibly can. At every opportunity since they won power they’ve made sure they notch up some little victory or other, whether it’s a seismic shift – like ‘pledging’ a 30 per cent cut to methane emissions – or merely a symbolic one. Starved of power for nine long years, the Left in office are wasting no time transforming this nation into something more to their liking.

This week came the announcement in the Australian newspaper, after a bungle on the DFAT website was exposed, that ‘Foreign Minister Penny Wong has reversed the former government’s recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel instead of Tel Aviv, as she attacked Scott Morrison over a “cynical play” to win the seat of Wentworth.’

Wow! Where does one begin to break down such a snide, mean-spirited and ignorant announcement, one that oozes with patronising contempt for Israel, for Jewish history and for Israel’s place within the global community?

Antisemitism has plagued the modern Left for the last few decades. Part of the reason Jew-hatred is so entrenched within various Labour (and Greens) parties is that their fundamental leftist ideological beliefs blind them to the reality of their own ingrained prejudices, many of which were imbibed in the neo-Marxist halls of universities and in the sweaty basements of undergraduate political clubs.

Read the article in The Spectator.