Ban All Nazis: Why Ye Might Not Be Let Into Australia

“I like Hitler,” said Ye, the man who used to go by Kanye West.

“I’m not trying to be shocking. I like Hitler. The Holocaust is not what happened. Let’s look at the facts of that, and Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities.”

So, here’s a true fact: These statements are abhorrent. You cannot praise Hitler and deny the realities of the Holocaust without being a Nazi. Or a Nazi sympathiser. But let’s be real, is there any tangible difference between these two groups?

These quotes came from a late 2022 interview Ye did with conspiracy spewer, Alex Jones. In this same interview, Ye stated that Jewish people control the media and that they’re hiding him under wooden floorboards. Moreover, Ye has said a lot of other heinous anti-Semetic remarks before and since this interview.

In response to this situation, the American Jewish Committee in Cincinnati’s Regional Director, Justin Kirschner, said, “Words truly matter. The Holocaust did not start with violence, it started with wild conspiracies, narratives, isolation, boycotts, things like that.”

“His remarks have to be recognized as such that is damaging and have true implications not only on the Jewish community but other minorities.”

In early 2023, Ye has been planning on coming to Australia. However, there’s been a growing movement to ban Ye from entering. After all, do we really need any more Nazis or Nazi sympathisers here?

Read the article by  on The Latch.