A panoramic view of the coast at Ashkelon, Palestine. Coloured lithograph by L Haghe, c1843.

A Challenge to Israel and its Lobby: tell us where the borders of Israel are?

It seems there is no limit to the insolence of the Israeli lobby and their insults to people’s intelligence. First, they claimed to support the partitioning of Palestine and the two-state solution. Then they ethnically cleansed over 70 per cent of the Palestinian people, denied their right of return, stole their properties, occupied half of what was supposed to be the Palestinian state according to the UN partition, then nineteen years later occupied what remained of historic Palestine as well as land from neighbouring Arab states. They blame their victims for their aggression, occupation, violations of international law and building of Jewish colonies, and now they are trying to prevent the Australian government from recognising the state of Palestine and its right to exist!

Neither is there a limit to their deceptions, starting with the Zionisation of the Bible that claims God gave them Palestine and ordered them to kill and displace its people and deprive them of their homeland, turning a God of compassion, righteousness, justice and peace to a racist real estate agent and warmonger, and following up with the myth that Palestine was a desert and they made the desert bloom, forgetting that the Bible describes it as ‘the land of milk and honey’ and that the English poet George Sandys spoke of it in 1615, more than 330 before they stole it, as ‘a land that flowed with milk and honey; and no part empty of delight or profit’, while the only desert in Palestine, the Negev, is still a desert.

Then they denied our existence in the eighteenth century with a slogan claiming Palestine was ‘A land without a people, for a people without a land’ and that ‘There was no such thing as Palestinians. They didn’t exist’, as Prime Minister Golda Meir claimed in 1967. This was repeated recently by the current finance minister and leader of the Religious Zionist Party, Bezalel Smotrich, in a speech in Paris, during which he showed a map of Israel which includes all of historic Palestine as well as Jordan and parts of Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. These and tens of other myths, lies and half-truths show how far Israel and its lobby are prepared to go.

While the Israeli lobby loves to repeat that the Arabs rejected the partition of Palestine in 1947, they never tell you why, nor what the Arabs were proposing as an alternative to the Zionist colonialist project.

Read the article by Ali Kazak in Arena.