Tel Aviv hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants. (Jack Guez)

Andrew Bolt: Israel invasion by Palestinian terrorists who prefer killing Jews to peace

The surprise invasion of Israel by Palestinian terrorists show what many on the Left have been blind to: Israel’s enemies are not like you and me.

The surprise invasion of Israel by Palestinian terrorists show what many on the Left have been blind to: Israel’s enemies are not like you and me.

The internet teems with videos of what these terrorists, sent by the Hamas leaders of Gaza, have done, and they say it all: these people have a different moral code.

They show Jewish civilians, men and women, gunned down in their cars, some of the more than 300 Israeli dead.

They show a Jewish woman, screaming for her husband, driven off on motorbike as a hostage, and three other terrified women in a truck.

Another woman, probably someone’s grandmother, is driven into Gaza on a golf buggy by armed men – another hostage.

A Palestinian fighter, shouting in triumph, drags another Jewish woman, her arms bound and pants soiled in fear, out of his SUV.

Other fighters show off a dead Jewish woman, then drive her body through a cheering crowd of Palestinians.

All this and more – the kidnapping even of children – tell us Israel is dealing with an enemy that makes no distinction between soldier and civilian, men and women.

It is a radical Islamist enemy that revels in an attack which is militarily pointless but kills Jews.

But maybe the Left will now awake to the nature of Israel’s enemies, armed by Iran.

It has too often indulged in a fatal conceit – that all people are fundamentally like them, and will mellow if only we were nicer.

Read the opinion piece by Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun.