Australia urges Israel not to invade Lebanon, Wong tells citizens to ‘please leave’ SBS September 25, 2024 344
Rival factions Hamas and Fatah to have Palestinian elections ‘within six months’ Jmedia Manager SBS September 25, 2020 3022
What might a ceasefire mean between the Israeli Government and Hamas Jmedia Manager ABC May 22, 2021 2442
The Age and the SMH correct mistakes in ‘appalling and ill-informed’ cartoon of the war in Israel Print October 28, 2024 498
Fatima Payman accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza in significant rupture with Labor party position Online May 15, 2024 871
Labor’s failure to fund anti-Semitism programs despite crisis of anti-Semitism in Australia Online February 13, 2024 1000
Holocaust expert’s bid to preserve Australian Jewish refugee stories for future generations Jmedia Manager Online October 1, 2020 2065
The Art Of Diplomacy Does Not Reside In Danny Danon, And Yet Israel Wants To Send Him Here As A Diplomat Jmedia Manager September 25, 2020 0 466Australia should distance itself from the diplomatic embarrassment of Danny Danon, writes Micaela Sahhar. There is a long history of...
Redefining Free Speech: Opposing Israel Is Not Anti-Semitism Jmedia Manager January 15, 2019 0 391Ongoing moves by Zionist lobby groups and American legislators to define anti-Semitism as criticism of Israel is an assault on...
Professor Stuart Rees Honoured With Inaugural Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize Jmedia Manager December 7, 2018 0 443He normally goes about his work very quietly, very humbly. And as the founder of the Sydney Peace Prize, he’s...
Don’t Mention The War In Wentworth: Dr Peter Slezak Jmedia Manager October 27, 2018 0 559The furore over the Morrison government’s ‘riffing’ on moving Australia’s embassy in Israel has distracted from the even greater crimes...
Palestine Burns While Australia Cuts Aid And Trump Threatens ‘Deal Of The Century’ Jmedia Manager August 7, 2018 0 475It’s hard to imagine things getting worse for Palestine, a nation ravaged by Israel and international indifference. But Senator Lee...
2018 Freedom Flotilla: A Predictable End To An Unpredictable Journey? Jmedia Manager July 31, 2018 0 538New Matilda editor Chris Graham reports from the Al Awda, a lead ship steaming through the Mediterranean Sea about 24...