Israel is the ideal denied to most Arabs

The day after 70 of his Arab brethren perished in a horrific gas attack in Syria, King Abdullah II of Jordan stood at a White House press conference and repeated the biggest lie of the past half-century: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict … is essentially the core conflict in our region.”

For decades, this great lie has served as the lifeblood for Arab leaders looking to change the subject from the vicious conflicts of the region and the oppression of their own people.

Their countries may be in total meltdown, but if they pivot to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they know the international community and much of the media will lap it up. Arab dictators are simply getting a good return on their investment in Jew-hatred.

Thanks to their brilliant job of promulgating this hatred for so long throughout their societies, whenever things start to heat up they can just serve up the perfect scapegoat: “It’s all about the conflict with the Jewish state!”

That is how we ended up with the sorry spectacle of an Arab king telling the world with a straight face that the conflict with the Jews is the key problem in the region.

Read the article by David Suissa in The Australian.