Revealing the secrets of one of Australia’s worst online trolls

In a ramshackle inner Sydney boarding house, surrounded by his collection of Adolf Hitler dolls, a 48-year-old unemployed neo-Nazi plies his trade as one of Australia’s most aggressive online trolls.

Nathan Sykes – a former journalist and bankrupt – has spent much of the past few years under various pseudonyms harassing and baiting left-wingers and Muslim activists through social media, and writing anti-Semitic articles on neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer.

“When do you envisage and [sic] end to the Jew privilege that vilifies White males on a daily basis?” he wrote in a Twitter post in January last year.

Sykes is also a member of the far-right political party Australia First and a devotee of its shadowy leader, convicted fraudster Jim Saleam.

But what makes Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes particularly unusual is that, despite his neo-Nazi persona, he himself is a Jew.

Read the article by Luke McMahon in the Sydney Morning Herald.