Review: Shatner boldly goes where he’s gone before, but still stuns

TV SUPER producer David E. Kelley once warned William Shatner the character he was about to play was a little senile.

“I can do that!” Shatner said.

And so was born Shatner’s second most popular character, erratic right-wing lawyer Denny Crane of Boston Legal fame.

Whether it was senility on the part of this writer, or just the passage of time, Shatner’s return to Brisbane last night seemed similar to his last visit three years ago, yet different enough.

His life story hadn’t changed, and many of the anecdotes were familiar, yet it was still entertaining.

Parts of his routine had obviously been tweaked — for instance, this time he mocked Logan instead of Ipswich.

Shatner would have us believe he’s a regular guy, but how many 87-year-olds can perform in Perth one night and Brisbane the next, speaking for a generous hour and 56 minutes?

He enraptured the QPAC Concet Hall crowd as he retraced his life, from his childhood as a Canadian Jew — with no shortage of Jewish jokes — through his early career in stage, live television and then his famous TV and movie roles.

Read the article by John O’Brien in the Courier-Mail.