George Santos not a drag queen: just drag queen-ish

George Santos, the astonishing gay Republican fabulist currently ensconced in the US Congress ‘categorically’ denies he ever performed as a drag queen. But there’s plenty of evidence he was, to adopt his own curious turn of phrase, at least, drag queen-ish.

Update 22.01.2023: Santo today backtracked on his previous denial and admitted, as predicted, to a drag queen-ish past.

“No, I was not a drag queen in Brazil. I was young, and I had fun at a festival.”

Geroge Santos now enjoys notoriety as perhaps the greatest liar in US politics. That’s saying something in the age of Trump.

Ritchie Torres, Democratic congressman for New York, summed up the lies exposed at the beginning of this extraordinary saga.

“George Santos pretended to be a gay Afro-Latino Ukrainian Brazilian Catholic Jew whose mother died on 9/11, whose ancestors survived the Holocaust, whose employees died in the Pulse club mass shooting, and whose net worth rose by millions overnight.”

At the time doubt existed over the Republican’s claim to be gay because of his not-too-long-ended heterosexual marriage. However, of all the things that we’d like to be false, it appears that is true. Ugh!

Even Santos’s name appears a lie with him going by Anthony Devolder for much of his life, among other aliases.

Read the article by Destiny Rogers in QNews.