Australia urges Israel not to invade Lebanon, Wong tells citizens to ‘please leave’ SBS September 25, 2024 337
Rival factions Hamas and Fatah to have Palestinian elections ‘within six months’ Jmedia Manager SBS September 25, 2020 3014
What might a ceasefire mean between the Israeli Government and Hamas Jmedia Manager ABC May 22, 2021 2438
The Age and the SMH correct mistakes in ‘appalling and ill-informed’ cartoon of the war in Israel Print October 28, 2024 489
Fatima Payman accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza in significant rupture with Labor party position Online May 15, 2024 861
Labor’s failure to fund anti-Semitism programs despite crisis of anti-Semitism in Australia Online February 13, 2024 994
Holocaust expert’s bid to preserve Australian Jewish refugee stories for future generations Jmedia Manager Online October 1, 2020 2059
Exposing ABC Superficiality Jmedia Manager ABC March 4, 2025 0 330On ABC Q&A there was a reasonable question from a member of the audience that unfortunately only succeeded in scraping...
Bloody hell: A funny and shocking look at our multicultural past Jmedia Manager Other Print July 14, 2023 0 200The “bloody hell” in the title is a clue that SBS’ latest history program leans towards the irreverent and zany,...
Nazi symbol ban important but don’t forget swastika’s original meaning Jmedia Manager Other Print June 23, 2022 0 206Having been a proud member of the Australian multicultural landscape ever since I set foot on this land 57 years...
Harmony Day should not be used to sweep racism under the rug Jmedia Manager Print March 21, 2021 0 210This Sunday, Australia marks Harmony Day, the culmination of Harmony Week. This national observance, led by the Department of Home...
‘Superb’ multicultural children’s festival leads youth into future: pictures Jmedia Manager Other Print August 28, 2019 0 252Koshigaya Park was awash with colour and culture on Sunday. The Campbelltown park played host to the second annual Macarthur...
Anning has reopened debate on multiculturalism Jmedia Manager Letters August 18, 2018 0 391There is a reluctance to entertain debate on the merits of multiculturalism. That said, the Senate debate criticising Queensland senator...
Andrew Bolt got his facts wrong. But that’s not the only thing wrong with his column Jmedia Manager Online August 7, 2018 0 836Bolt’s column illustrates the steady and sinister drift of Australia’s national conversation towards a permissible racism Last week four Murdoch...
Another Bolt from the White Right Jmedia Manager Online August 6, 2018 0 351Bolt expresses and inflames the reactionary propaganda and race hatred of a section of Australian society — a section who...
Bernard Keane makes up stuff Jmedia Manager Blogs August 3, 2018 0 617Fake news from Crikey’s Bernard Keane, now trying to reinvent me as an anti-Semite: To see Jews being singled out...
Describing the Left’s Dream is not “Racist” Jmedia Manager Blogs August 3, 2018 0 457There are screams of “racist!!!” and calls from the Left for the thought police to silence me for writing yesterday...