Children in crisis are learning resilience by tapping into the teachers of history's greatest survivors. (UNICEF Uganda)

Opinion: Teaching our kids resilience and surviving curveballs like Covid-19

Kids will benefit from knowing the key to a successful life is not happiness, but another important trait, according to a Holocaust survivor.

Our kids have a real problem with resilience.

At the first sign of adversity, they fold. Whether it’s because we’ve taught them they deserve happiness and other hallmarks of a “successful” life or we’ve modelled poor coping behaviours ourselves, I’m not sure, but too many are struggling, and social media dependence is making it worse.

This is evidenced in the raging tide of mental ill-health as young people fight a pervading sense of gloom about the future and their place in it.

Covid has been crushing for many people, of all ages and circumstances, and while it can be easy to fall into the habit of negative thinking – not helped by “doom scrolling” on our phones – we should maintain perspective.

History is a wonderful teacher, if we allow it to be, and proves humans can rise above disaster and distress with the right frame of mind.

In Uganda right now, a world-first curriculum is helping children in crisis use their experience to unlock their potential.

Not only is Covid out of control there but so is crime, armed conflict and all forms of child abuse and neglect.

If you want to talk about doing it tough, these kids live it daily.

Read the article by Kylie Lang in the Courier Mail.