Australia urges Israel not to invade Lebanon, Wong tells citizens to ‘please leave’ SBS September 25, 2024 338
Rival factions Hamas and Fatah to have Palestinian elections ‘within six months’ Jmedia Manager SBS September 25, 2020 3017
What might a ceasefire mean between the Israeli Government and Hamas Jmedia Manager ABC May 22, 2021 2439
The Age and the SMH correct mistakes in ‘appalling and ill-informed’ cartoon of the war in Israel Print October 28, 2024 492
Fatima Payman accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza in significant rupture with Labor party position Online May 15, 2024 863
Labor’s failure to fund anti-Semitism programs despite crisis of anti-Semitism in Australia Online February 13, 2024 995
Holocaust expert’s bid to preserve Australian Jewish refugee stories for future generations Jmedia Manager Online October 1, 2020 2061
Fake Palestinian photojournalist cons famous satirist Jmedia Manager Online September 14, 2022 0 240Australian satirist, Bryan Dawe, has been duped by online scammers claiming to be a young female Palestinian photographer, whose gear had...
Palestinians raise alarm over Facebook content ‘suppression’ Jmedia Manager Print January 1, 2022 0 221Palestinian journalists have raised the alarm over what they describe as unjust suppression of their content on Facebook, a claim...
Hospital sacks worker over ‘abhorrent’ Jewish party slur Jmedia Manager Online August 18, 2021 0 232A staffer at one of Melbourne’s busiest hospitals has been sacked for an “abhorrent and disgraceful anti-Semitic” comment aimed at an...
Facebook says Iranian hackers used site to spy on US military personnel Jmedia Manager Online July 17, 2021 0 260Around 200 accounts taken down. Facebook said on Thursday it had taken down about 200 accounts run by a group...
‘Wounded’ infant photo has nothing to do with Palestine conflict Jmedia Manager Media Watch May 21, 2021 0 385An eye-catching photo of a baby with red marks across its face has been linked to the conflict in Gaza. The image,...
Facebook Searches for Neo-Nazi Content Are Being Redirected to Anti-Hate Orgs Instead Jmedia Manager Online December 9, 2020 0 304Back in 2019 a little-known tech startup created a program to redirect Australian and American Facebook users who searched for...
‘Facebook needs to improve’: Social media giant to face scrutiny as backlash intensifies Jmedia Manager Print December 2, 2020 0 254A member of a new oversight board that will scrutinise decisions by Facebook to remove posts from its main platform...
The First Cases For Facebook’s Oversight Board Tackle Hate Speech, Nudity, and Nazi Germany Jmedia Manager Online December 2, 2020 0 234Following a months-long staffing spree, Facebook’s Independent Oversight Board announced the first six cases it’s taking on to deliberate Facebook’s sprawling...
Pete Evans’ quits Facebook for Parler, paywall sites Jmedia Manager Print November 21, 2020 0 299After a massive backlash over a neo-Nazi cartoon, Pete Evans has quit Facebook, taking his views to a controversial “free...
Pete Evans Says He’s Quitting Facebook Jmedia Manager Online November 21, 2020 0 289To cap off a week from hell (of his own making), celebrity chef and Australia’s most prominent conspiracy theorist Pete...