Australia urges Israel not to invade Lebanon, Wong tells citizens to ‘please leave’ SBS September 25, 2024 338
Rival factions Hamas and Fatah to have Palestinian elections ‘within six months’ Jmedia Manager SBS September 25, 2020 3018
What might a ceasefire mean between the Israeli Government and Hamas Jmedia Manager ABC May 22, 2021 2439
The Age and the SMH correct mistakes in ‘appalling and ill-informed’ cartoon of the war in Israel Print October 28, 2024 492
Fatima Payman accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza in significant rupture with Labor party position Online May 15, 2024 864
Labor’s failure to fund anti-Semitism programs despite crisis of anti-Semitism in Australia Online February 13, 2024 995
Holocaust expert’s bid to preserve Australian Jewish refugee stories for future generations Jmedia Manager Online October 1, 2020 2061
Time to ban the use of Nazi symbols in Australia Jmedia Manager Online June 14, 2023 0 303As the government prepares to introduce legislation into parliament for an Australia-wide ban on Nazi symbols, it’s timely to revisit...
‘Don’t ignore us’: Faith leaders demand quick action on religious freedoms Jmedia Manager Brisbane Times June 10, 2022 0 229Faith leaders have urged the new Labor government to move quickly to introduce legislation outlawing religious discrimination rather than let...
Criminalising Gaza Jmedia Manager Online May 13, 2022 0 241The Australian government recently announced its intention to designate the entirety of Hamas as a terrorist organisation. Doing so all...
How in God’s name did we get here? Jmedia Manager Other Print February 13, 2022 0 300The moment the Religious Discrimination Bill died there was no public outpouring of grief. This is not surprising. If you...
The law against racial hatred that can’t be used to stop the advocacy of Nazism Jmedia Manager Brisbane Times January 18, 2020 0 249Imagine what would happen if you were to raise the black flag of ISIS high over your house. Chances are...
Consensus on religious freedom laws is proving elusive Jmedia Manager Online November 2, 2019 0 280The Morrison government’s controversial proposed religious freedom laws appear on the surface to be straightforward. The bill aims to protect...
Bail granted to man over alleged sex assault at Orthodox Jewish centre Jmedia Manager Print October 25, 2019 0 390Member of Melbourne’s Orthodox Jewish community “fear” the release of a former youth leader charged with the alleged sexual assault...
Daniel Andrews ‘can’t stop neo-Nazi concert in Melbourne’ Jmedia Manager Print October 10, 2019 0 477The state government does not have the ability to stop a planned neo-Nazi concert going ahead this week in Melbourne,...
Exclusive: Australian man wins court battle to reinstate place of birth on his passport Jmedia Manager Print September 17, 2019 0 294Eberhard Frank, 79, has successfully sued the Australian government for the right to have ‘Palestine’ officially recorded as his place...
Call to scrap free speech legal defence Jmedia Manager Print September 6, 2019 0 258Commonwealth criminal laws prohibiting the incitement of violence based on race and religion are ineffective, says the head of the...