Australia urges Israel not to invade Lebanon, Wong tells citizens to ‘please leave’ SBS September 25, 2024 343
Rival factions Hamas and Fatah to have Palestinian elections ‘within six months’ Jmedia Manager SBS September 25, 2020 3021
What might a ceasefire mean between the Israeli Government and Hamas Jmedia Manager ABC May 22, 2021 2442
The Age and the SMH correct mistakes in ‘appalling and ill-informed’ cartoon of the war in Israel Print October 28, 2024 498
Fatima Payman accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza in significant rupture with Labor party position Online May 15, 2024 869
Labor’s failure to fund anti-Semitism programs despite crisis of anti-Semitism in Australia Online February 13, 2024 999
Holocaust expert’s bid to preserve Australian Jewish refugee stories for future generations Jmedia Manager Online October 1, 2020 2064
Labor’s ‘symbolic’ shift on Israel a split from Western allies Jmedia Manager Print August 12, 2023 0 145There are not many occasions when a middle power with a relatively small population, like Australia, can make a significant...
Managing a new Middle East order Jmedia Manager Online July 22, 2021 0 264Across the Middle East, alliances are shifting in unexpected ways. What does the emerging configuration mean for a region that...
Beijing’s dollars put Israel’s alliance with US under the gun Jmedia Manager Print May 18, 2020 0 249US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and warned that...
Israel’s left-wing parties merge Jmedia Manager Print January 15, 2020 0 279Israel’s Labour party will join with the veteran party Meretz after seeing their combined seats in the 120-seat Knesset diminish...
The US, Iran and the Middle East amid Shifting Alliances Jmedia Manager Online October 5, 2019 0 218It is difficult to predict how President Trump might respond to Iran, which Washington believes was behind the 14 September...
Christopher Pyne: The US needs allies like Australia in this uncertain world Jmedia Manager Print August 26, 2019 0 303There is divided opinion about whether we should be in the Straits of Hormuz – but right now the United...
Australia must end its support for more US wars Jmedia Manager Green Left August 17, 2019 0 223Remember when Donald Trump campaigned for office in 2016 on getting the United States out of “endless wars”? He did,...
Sydney experts help secure Australia’s place in Remembrance Alliance Jmedia Manager Online June 12, 2019 0 433Scholars from the University of Sydney’s Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies played a vital role in helping Australia...
Netanyahu and rivals strike Israel election alliances Jmedia Manager Print February 22, 2019 0 319The two main challengers to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the April election have struck an alliance in a...